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Our school is equipped with our own kitchen, which complies with European HAACP standards. Three delicious, homemade, and healthy meals are prepared every day:


  • breakfast

  • two course lunch

  • snacks


Our menu is diverse and meets the standards of nutrition of school-age children. It was prepared and is constantly modified by specialists from the Nutrition Institute of Warsaw.


There are no limited portions and our students are encouraged to eat. Our kitchen staff prepares most of the meals on their own such as yoghurts with seasonal fruit, cottage cheeses and juices. We bake homemade cakes every Friday. There are no sweets or chocolate cereals in our kitchen. Our products are provided from verified suppliers that have been cooperating with us for many years.


Our menu is mostly based on different types of groats and home-cooked meals with a large amount of vegetables and salads.


We comply with different diets, based on health or ideological reasons.


In the case of students with allergies, our school can provide an elimination diet which eliminates specific allergenic products. However in the case of a severe allergy to many ingredients that makes it impossible to feed the student according to our school menu, the parent is obliged to provide the school with some products.

The parents of children with special diets should bring a doctor's note regarding the necessity of a special diet before September 1. Please also list all the products that are prohibited in the diet and bring a written note to the kitchen staff and also to the class teacher.

Tęczowy Ogród © 2018    Created by eMarketerka 

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22 848 04 35

Warszawa, ul. Radarowa 6

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